
Officers of the Cal-Neva Chapter

See Chapter Officers’ duties below.

Miranda Bell-Tilcock President

Delta Stewardship Council
Sacramento, CA

Christina Parker President-Elect

California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Sacramento, CA

Mollie Ogaz Secretary

Cramer Fish Sciences
West Sacramento, CA

Tommy Agosta Treasurer

California Department of Water Resources
Sacramento, CA

Eva Bush Past-President

Delta Stewardship Council
Sacramento, CA

Chapter Officer Duties (from Cal-Neva Chapter Bylaws)

The President shall:

a) Preside at all meetings.
b) Serve as Executive Committee Chair;
c) Represent the Chapter to the Division and the Society;
d) Appoint all standing and ad hoc committee chairs.

The President-Elect shall:

a) Serve as Program Committee Chair
b) Assume the duties of President in the President’s absence or inability to act.
c) Advance to the office of President at the end of the term.

The Past-President shall:

a) Be the immediate outgoing President
b) Assume the duties of President in the event of the President’s and President-Elect’s absence.
The Secretary shall:
a) Keep the official Chapter records and perform such duties as may be requested by the Executive Secretary of the Society or the Secretary-Treasurer of the Division.
b) Submit minutes of the annual Chapter business meeting to the Executive Director and to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Division within 30 days after the annual Chapter meeting.
c) Conduct the election.

The Secretary shall:

a) Keep the official Chapter records and perform such duties as may be requested by the Executive Secretary of the Society.
b) Submit minutes of the annual Chapter business meeting to the Exectuve Director and the Secretary-Treasurer of the Division within 30 days after the business meeting.
c) Conduct the election.

The Treasurer shall:

a) Collect and be custodian of funds collected under Article 10 of these Bylaws, and any other funds received by the Chapter.
b) Prepare an annual budget and disperse funds as authorized or required
c) Submit a record of receipts and disbursements at the general membership meeting
d) Maintain financial records in standard accounting format for review by Society officers and staff as needed or required.