Scholarships and Grants
Opportunities for scholarships and travel awards
- Ned Taft Student Travel Award. The AFS Bioengineering Section (BES) is asking for application submissions for the Ned Taft Student Travel Award for travel to the AFS annual meeting in Baltimore, MD. BES established the Ned Taft Student Travel Award in honor of our distinguished former President and member Ned Taft, to encourage Annual and Division meeting participation by students specializing in bioengineering-related research. This travel award program was established to reimburse travel costs up to a maximum of $1,000 to the qualified recipient. The scholarship deadline is August 31, 2021. Download the 2021Announcement_and_Application .
- UC Davis Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture 2021 Scholarship Announcements. The Center for Aquatic Biology and Aquaculture is delighted to announce three scholarships for 2021. Three fishing clubs are generously offering the following awards:
The Bob Bittner Scholarship from California Fly Fishers Unlimited – one $2,000 scholarship (2021 Bob Bittner Scholarship application)
The Fly Fishers of Davis – one $1,500 scholarship (2021 FlyFishersofDavisScholarship application)
The Diablo Valley Flyfishing Club – one $2,500 scholarship (Diablo Valley Flyfishing Club – 2021 Wisecarver Scholarship Application)
These awards are open to UC Davis Graduate Students who are working on fish conservation, fisheries biology, riparian ecology or limnetic ecology research that benefits California’s recreational fisheries. The instructions and selection criteria are unique for each fishing club, but share a common due date of Wednesday, June 30, 2021. If you have any questions, please contact the individual to whom that application would be submitted.
- Yolo Basin Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship Announcement and Application for 2021-2022. To recognize the Yolo Basin Foundation’s 25th anniversary in 2015 and to honor its founder Robin Kulakow, the Kulakow-Julian Family established the “Yolo Basin Foundation Graduate Student Fellowship Fund.” The gift provides support for selected graduate students who are working in the areas of environmental education, public use, environmental sciences, or environmental/conservation policy specifically related to the 16,800-acre Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area or the 60,000-acre Yolo Bypass. The Fellowship includes an annual stipend, as well as mentoring, for the student’s research. Each fellowship is overseen by a committee of professionals associated with the Yolo Basin Foundation. Recipients are required to give quarterly reports on their research and at the end of the fellowship make a presentation of their findings. The 2021-2022 award will go to a student or students doing graduate research that is directly related to the Yolo Bypass Wildlife Area or the larger Yolo Bypass. Awards: $5,000 -$15,000 annually. Application deadlines: June 30, 2021. Fellowship(s) awarded: September 30, 2021. Eligibility: Students currently enrolled in Masters or PhD programs at the University of California, Davis, Sacramento State University or other universities doing research in the Yolo Bypass. YBF Fellowship Program Announcement May 19, 2021 Application form June 2021
None at this time.