Applications Now Being Accepted until Sept. 25th!

The goal of the Delta Science Fellows Program is to bring together junior scientists with Delta agency scientists and senior research mentors to work collaboratively to advance the state of knowledge of high priority science actions.


The Delta Science Program is again seeking applications from qualified pre-doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers to compete for fellowship opportunities.


California Sea Grant will administer and manage the fellowship program on behalf of the Delta Science Program. The fellowship will provide up to two (2) years of support as a grant/award that funds a stipend and research-related expenses.


For 2017, the Delta Science Fellows Program is encouraging submission of research proposals that address one or more of the following priority research topics:
  1. Invest in assessing the human dimensions of natural resource management decisions
  2. Capitalize on existing data through increasing science synthesis
  3. Develop tools and methods to support and evaluate habitat restoration
  4. Improve understanding of interactions between stressors and managed species and their communities
  5. Modernize monitoring, data management, and modeling


Applications are due by September 25, 4:00 p.m. Pacific Time. 
For more information, and to apply, please click here.