Cal-Neva AFS Members:

Concerns about the coronavirus (COVID-19) are naturally raising questions about whether the California-Nevada Chapter of the American Fisheries Society will hold its annual meeting as planned in Folsom, CA next week, March 15-17, 2020. After much discussion and consideration within the Chapter’s Executive Committee, we have decided to stay our course and move forward with hosting the meeting, so long as it appears prudent to do so.

The Cal-Neva Executive Committee is closely monitoring health advisories and travel policies associated with COVID-19 for the Sacramento Region, California, Nevada, and more broadly to continue to make informed decisions about next week’s meeting.

We will be summarizing more detailed information about best practices to use at the meeting for minimizing risk of virus spread. In addition, we are working with Lake Natoma Inn to modify, for example, arrangements for food service that will be more in-line with general best practices. Please check the meeting webpage for further updates (

We look forward to seeing, but not touching, you in Folsom ????

Cal-Neva AFS Executive Committee
and Annual Meeting Planning Committee