We had 367 registered attendees over 3 full days, 109 oral presentations, 3 continuing education classes attended by nearly 90 members, 2 tours and a full day workshop on tidal marsh restoration.
Many Thanks….
On behalf of the planning committee and the executive committee we cannot thank you all enough for attending. This was by far our most successful meeting yet. We have so many sponsors and donors to thank, including; Warren Leach and Teddi Carbonneau of Oregon RFID, who were our top sponsors. We also greatly appreciate the generous support of ESA, East Bay MUD, AECOM, Biomark, Sonoma Count Water Agency, Balance Hydrologics, OTT Hydromet, cbec, Desert Star Systems, Vemco, and Salmon Soft. We couldn’t have done it with our your contributions.
We’d also like to thank our generous donors for raffle prizes, which raised nearly $2,000 for student and professional travel. Donors included, Adamsbuild Fishing, Blue Ridge Timber Cutting, INC. California Fly Fishers Unlimited, The Drake magazien, Fishing for Gyotaku, Lagunitas Brewing Co. Lake Fork Trophy Lures, Shasta Trinity Fly Fishers, Simms Fishing Products, R.I. Winston Rod Co. CRKT, Eartheasy, Havalon Knives, Ellen Klatt, Mepps, Rod Sox, Rio Products, Royal Wulff Products, Brian Skerry, Travz Art, Steelhead Vineyards, eno, California Trout, Cheeky Fly Fishing, Cabelas, Keekreny Fish Prints, Tenkara USA, Granite Rock, Restop, San Diego Fly Fishers and Mountain Kahkis.
Award Winners
Best Student Presentations (Oral)
1st Place Matthew J. Young UC Davis
Fish & food: how habitat and trophic subsidies structure resource use in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
2nd Place David C. Fryxell UC Santa Cruz
Sex ratio variation determines the ecological impacts of Mosquitofish populations
3rd Place Rosalyn T. Lam UC Davis, Bodega Marine Lab
The impacts of polystyrene plastic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on the development of Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Best Student Poster Awards
1st Place Meredith Nagel UC Davis
Winter food-limitation: Impacts on adult Delta Smelt reproduction and health
2nd Place Travis M. Apgar UC Santa Cruz
Quantifying the costs and benefits of migration in the evolution of life history variations in Oncorhynchus mykiss
3rd Place Ben A. Wasserman UC Santa Cruz
Dynamic estuary environments promote intraspecific diversity in threespine stickleback
Gina Contolini UC Santa Cruz
Ecology and Evolution in Acid: Influences on an Intertidal Interaction