One of the highlights of the AFS Cal-Neva Chapter’s Annual Meeting is the presentation of awards to deserving individuals for their professional excellence and fisheries conservation efforts. Your Chapter Awards Committee is currently seeking nominees for awards to be presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting to be held in San Luis Obispo in late February-early March. Five categories of awards are presented by the Chapter. They are:
- Distinguished Professional Achievement – recognizing chapter members for professional excellence in research, management, education, publication, or outstanding contributions to the profession or fisheries conservation.
- Special Contribution – recognizing members and others for outstanding service to the Chapter.
- Conservation Achievement – recognizing non-member individuals or groups for outstanding contributions or service to fisheries conservation.
- Award of Excellence – recognizing a Chapter and Parent Society member for exemplary depth and breadth of professional achievement, combined with significant publication and/or conservation activities, and participation in Chapter activities. Nominees for this award should have achieved statewide recognition as a major authority or guiding force in California and/or Nevada fisheries management and science.
- Award for Scientific Journalism – recognizing journalists whose work is particularly accurate and effective in conveying information to the public regarding fisheries science or conservation.
The Awards Committee is requesting the help of Chapter members in the task of identifying award nominees. Suggestions for award nominees should be conveyed to the Awards Committee Chairperson, Pat Coulston, by November 30, 2017. Pat can be reached by phone at (831) 227-9495, or by E-mail at [email protected]. At this point in the process you need only provide the nominee’s name and contact information, along with your suggested award category and a very brief rationale for the award. The committee will do the follow-up. Please take this opportunity to recognize an accomplished colleague, citizen, or journalist who is active and effective in fisheries conservation or science.
For more information, see the Awards Webpage.