The Program Committee of the Alaska Chapter and the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society seeks initial symposium and continuing education course ideas for a joint meeting, to be held in Anchorage, Alaska on May 21-24, 2018. The theme of the 2018 meeting is Change, Challenge, and Opportunity in Fisheries: Fishing for Solutions. Proposals are encouraged on topics that are synthetic, interdisciplinary, and that identify creative answers to current or emerging issues in fisheries and management. Although a full call for detailed symposia and workshop proposals will go out in mid-November 2017 with a deadline at the end of December 2017, we invite initial suggestions via email. For symposia ideas please submit the following information: (1) a title; (2) name and institutional affiliation of organizer(s); and (3) whether the symposium is intended for half or full day to Peter Westley ([email protected]). Continuing education is an important member benefit provided by the American Fisheries society and fulfills the mission to help fisheries scientists develop professionally. For continuing education/workshop ideas please submit the following information: (1) a brief description of the course content; (2) name and institutional affiliation of organizer(s); (3) estimated number of students; and (4) length of course (e.g., half, full day, or longer) to Sara Miller ([email protected]).
The 2018 Western Division/Alaska Chapter Meeting Planning Team looks forward to seeing you in Alaska next May!