The Sacramento-Davis student subunit began the 2017/2018 academic year with several campus recruiting efforts at various University of California Davis departments including the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology; and the Graduate Group in Ecology. Many new student members have signed on to participate in upcoming subunit activities. On the books are a tour of the Nimbus Fish Hatchery operated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and led by the National Marine Fisheries Service’s CA Central Valley Hatcheries Coordinator Amanda Cranford on November 9th; and a screening of the documentary “Salmon Confidential” on the UCD campus on November 30th to coincide with the subunit’s quarterly meeting.
Newly elected officers for the upcoming academic year are Sean Luis (President), Nicole Aha (Vice President), Paige Mundy (Secretary), and Jessica Weidenfeld (Treasurer).