Distinguished Professional Achievement Award – Damon Goodman

Damon Goodman is a recipient of this year’s Distinguished Professional Achievement Award. Damon has been working with lampreys since he was a graduate student at Humboldt State University, and he has been involved in the publication of more than 20 peer-reviewed journal articles. His work with lampreys has been directed to promote their conservation and has involved various projects along the Pacific coast. In his work with Dr. Stewart Reid, he devised low-cost lamprey passage devices to provide access beyond California’s longest and tallest fishway in the Eel River as well as to promote recolonization of San Luis Obispo Creek which expanded the southern extent of the species’ coastal distribution by 130 km. He has also been involved in a wide variety of research projects in the Klamath River Watershed including researching mercury contamination in Western Pearlshell Mussels and lamprey, developing hydrodynamic models for restoration and streamflow management, and comparing different restoration scenarios for Chinook salmon, Coho Salmon and steelhead. In addition, Damon has chaired and organized multiple technical sessions and workshops on lampreys at AFS workshops and conferences. Damon is most proud of his work to bring California’s lampreys into discussions about management of rivers. Damon is also the new chairperson for the chapter’s Native Fishes Committee, and the chapter is excited to have him onboard and leading the efforts to increase awareness for California’s native fishes.