If you have not already done so, please make a point of renewing your AFS membership for 2020! Membership is more important than ever, not only for bringing fisheries professionals and students together to exchange information, build collaborations, and share in the fisheries dialogue within the California-Nevada footprint, but also to support parent society during these very challenging times. Because the 150th Annual Meeting in Columbus, OH was canceled due to COVID-19 concerns, our parent society is losing one of its primary and major sources of income. Membership can help fill this gap and maintain fisheries advocacy and support to AFS units provided by the dedicated staff in the Bethesda office. At time of census last August, Cal-Neva was the largest chapter in AFS with 511 members! While membership was likely up in anticipation of the joint meeting with The Wildlife Society in Reno, recapturing, or even exceeding, that level of membership in 2020 will help show our solidarity and commitment to our professional society. And, remember, California State scientists in Bargaining Unit 10 are eligible to have $100 in professional society dues reimbursed to them. Please renew by the end of July 2020 so that your membership is included in this year’s census. Thank you!