As more AFS chapter and division meetings were canceled during pandemic conditions AFS sought to offer online alternatives for all those who prepared talks but were unable to present them because of the canceled meetings. A team of AFS leaders guided by the expertise of Aaron Bunch of the Tidewater Chapter began developing plans to hold virtual AFS meetings. The virtual meetings were presented in webinar format and recorded prior to the presentation date. This effort was intended for presenters who were unable to give their talks due to cancellations and was a separate event from the planned annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio just prior to Labor Day. For Cal-Neva presenters, we partnered with the Western Division and the webinar with Cal-Neva presentations was on Tuesday, May 5. Ten people who would have presented at the Cal-Neva Chapter annual meeting presented their talks virtually. On May 6, there was a virtual poster session including several Cal-Neva posters. This was an opportunity to see some of what we missed seeing in Folsom but from the vantage point of our new social distanced circumstances. I hope that you were able to take that opportunity and to support our Cal-Neva presenters and AFS. The recorded presentations are still available online (you will need your national AFS login information). To learn more see the AFS Virtual Spring Conference webpage:
Thanks, Dave Lentz
2020 Program Chair
Cal-Neva President-Elect