
All posts by lctfish

Moyle-Deacon Native Fishes Award – Steve Parmenter

Steve Parmenter is the first recipient of the new Moyle-Deacon Native Fishes Award, presented by Cal-Neva AFS’s Native Fishes Committee. Steve has worked with California Department of Fish and Wildlife since the late 1980s, and he has played an important role in the conservation of several desert fish species including Mohave tui chub, Owens sucker,... Read More

Distinguished Professional Achievement Award – Dr. Stewart Reid

Stewart Reid is a recipient of this year’s Distinguished Professional Achievement Award. Dr. Reid’s career thus far has demonstrated a tremendous devotion to the conservation of fish species in Pacific coastal streams, the inland regions of California and Oregon, and even the Great Basin. At 13 years old, Stewart began his career in fish biology... Read More

Distinguished Professional Achievement Award – Dr. Nann Fangue

Dr. Nann Fangue is a recipient of the chapter’s Distinguished Professional Achievement Award. Dr. Fangue is a Professor at UC Davis and has led an accomplished and productive research laboratory at UC Davis since 2009. Since just 2018, the Fangue Lab and its colleagues have published over 25 peer-reviewed journal articles concerning conservation physiology and... Read More

2020 Cal-Neva Chapter Election Results

Election results are in! Congratulations and welcome to incoming President, Matthew Young, and incoming Secretary, Nicole Kwan! Official officer change of guard will occur September 1, 2020. Kathleen Berridge Chapter Secretary P.S. The Chapter extends a big thank-you to Past President Steve Brumbaugh and Secretary Kathleen Berridge! 🙂 Read More

Special Contribution Awards 2020

Kelly Souza – As Time and Place Committee Chair, Kelly’s hard work transforms into outstanding experiences for members at our annual meetings. Finding the right venues, negotiating arrangements, and handling multitude of behind-the-scenes details has been Kelly’s special gift to Cal-Neva Chapter. Cal-Neva folks may not see the time and effort that Kelly has put... Read More

Virtual AFS Spring Conference 2020

As more AFS chapter and division meetings were canceled during pandemic conditions AFS sought to offer online alternatives for all those who prepared talks but were unable to present them because of the canceled meetings. A team of AFS leaders guided by the expertise of Aaron Bunch of the Tidewater Chapter began developing plans to... Read More

Folsom Meeting 2020 Re-cap

For the first time in memory the annual meeting of the Cal-Neva Chapter was canceled in 2020. The meeting planned for March 15-17 at the Lake Natoma Inn in Folsom was shaping up to be a smaller, more intimate get together coming on the heels of the world’s largest gathering of fisheries and wildlife professionals... Read More

Western Division 2020 Outstanding Large Chapter Award to Cal-Neva

Every year, the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society recognizes the chapters that best exemplify a commitment to the AFS mission through their work to achieve the goals of the Society’s Strategic Plan. We are extremely pleased to announce that the Cal-Neva Chapter has been named the Western Division’s 2020 Outstanding Large Chapter! Cal-Neva... Read More

President’s Message – April 2020

Greetings Cal-Neva Members! Most of you are likely aware that as the spread of COVID-19 really began to take off in California last month, Cal-Neva leadership had no choice but to cancel the Chapter’s annual general meeting, which was to have taken place in Folsom, March 15-17, 2020. This newsletter is devoted to presentations that... Read More